All of this sand came from just one house!

Cleaning up in Kaiapoi

View from top of Mount Thomas

Canterbury plains meet the mountains

Yesterday we were supposed to go to Peak Hill, but because of a cold front & storm that brought loads of snow to the mountains, we had to change to something closer by. Mount Thomas Recreation Area is only 45 minutes from Christchurch. It has several 3-4 hour trail loops up and around the mountain. With beautiful views from the top, and being so close to town, I'll definitely be back. Today and yesterday the Christchurch tramping club organized work crews to help clean up people's yards in Kaiapoi- a suburb just north of Christchurch that was affected worse than anywhere else by liquefaction during the earthquake. So today I went along to help. The amount of sand in some people's yards was unbelievable! Many houses in that area had to be evicted until the structural damage to them is fixed, which could take a year since there is such a high demand for structural repairs & re-building right now.
Brad spent today and yesterday in golf competitions at his home course (Russley) and another course (MacLeans Island).