View from the house
Looking back towards the house from the other side of the lake
North Otago Golf Club (by Kakanui)
We moved in with our friend Chantal a few days ago in the town of Bannockburn. It's so much hotter here than it was in Kakanui- at least 5 C warmer, with no wind- and nice dry air. Our laundry actually dries in a few hours- instead of in 3 days! Chantal's house overlooks an arm of the Kawarau river, which is much like a lake, and it looks nice for swimming. Before we left Kakanui, Brad got a round of golf in at the bigger golf club there. It was pretty spectacular for $30!
Wow!!! Lovely place!!! Good for Chantel!! I wish I was there.
ReplyDeleteBut I am off to Edmonton April 1.
Enjoy your stay with Chantel. And tell her I send my love!
Thanks- we are certainly enjoying it!