Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thesis tweeting competition

Brad and I got first and second in the UC tweet your thesis competition- thanks to some wonderful friends who voted- especially Chris and Igor ;)
Brad couldn't be there for the photo.

 Me with the the other winners (from a news clip)

The point of it was to summarize your thesis in 6 "tweets" each no more than 140 characters- then a vote was held to determine winners. The 4 winners (1st, 2nd and two 3rd place) each got an ipod touch and a $75 gift card.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hanmer Springs and Waiau River

 This weekend we took a trip to Hanmer Springs. Our friend Dustin who is living in Australia right now was visiting, and he and Brad did a jetboat tour on the Waiau river (and went golfing- of course). I was kayaking on the same river- and they drove right past (making nice big waves!) I think it will be the end of the kayaking season for me- it was only 4 degrees at 9am (although it warmed up to 15 by 11:30).