Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cromwell, Queenstown & Dunedin

 Dunedin Golf Course

 Queenstown Botanical Gardens

 Lake Wakatipu (Queenstown)

 Walking in "the heart of desert"- near Cromwell
Kawarau river

Last week we spent 6 days travel around Otago. First we went to Dunedin, then Queenstown (for a conference), then to Cromwell to visit our friend Chantal. We had a great time! The weather in the Cromwell area was actually hot (30 degrees- a real rarity in New Zealand). It has it's own hot and dry micro climate!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Show Weekend Kayaking

 Buller River

 Granity Rapid (Grade 3. I decided I wasn't ready for this one yet!)

This past weekend was a long weekend in Canterbury, and I went to Murchison for whitewater kayaking (for the third year in a row). Brad decided not to come this time- he stayed home to golf in Christchurch and watch movies. It was beautiful- as it always is there.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Neighbourhood BBQ

After 3 years and 9 months of living here, we finally got to meet the rest of our neighbours at a neighbourhood BBQ. It was such a great idea. It's a very multicultural part of Christchurch with neighbours from Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea and of course New Zealand. The BBQ was held next door by a family from a city not too far from Mumbai. They were doing free Henna tattoos (which is a part-time business of theirs). This one on my arm took the artist less than two minutes (she is incredibly fast!)- although she said when she used to do weddings (and cover two arms and legs) it would take 7-8 hours.