Sunday, December 26, 2010

Golden Bay, Nelson, Blenheim & Kaikoura

Catching Sea Perch (we also caught some blue cod, red cod, and tarakihi)

We got to keep 5 crayfish caught in metal cages (pots). They are similar to lobster except no front claws)- they were delicious

Dusky Dolphins

Kaikoura Penisula walkway

Beach out front of our rented holiday home

Kayaking near Tata islands in Golden Bay

Totaranui beach where we camped for one night

Christchurch Botanical Gardens

3 hour evening rogaining event in the Port Hills by Christchurch

Chris, Igor, and our mom arrived on December 14th. For the week before Christmas we did a tour of the northern part of the south island. We went to some beautiful spots, and even though we couldn't do our 3 day kayaking trip that we had planned (due to strong winds), we still did a day of kayaking (golfing for Brad), and a bit of shopping, a half day wine tour where we visited 5 vineyards, a dolphin cruise (that was supposed to involve swimming with the dolphins, but it was too windy), and an excellent day of ocean fishing.


  1. I am soooo jealous!!!!!! It looks beautiful there and like the weather is cooperating (- the strong winds). So glad that your mom, sis and Igor are visiting with you over the holidays. I wish i could be there too :)

  2. It would be nice if you could come down sometime Laura!! I'd have to say the weather has been off and on for our travels- we've had some really nice days and some excessively rainy and windy ones, but that basically sums up New Zealand weather!
