Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You know you're from Christchurch when...

One of our friends came up with these. It's funny and sad at the same time (and quite true!):

  1. You use the terms "liquefaction" and "seismic design" in casual conversation
  2. Digging a hole and pooping in your garden is no longer weird (well- luckily Brad and I left town and returned when we were allowed to flush again- so we never had to do that. They've been pretty quick to get in port-a-loos to places with no sewage service, but for some people it's still a reality even now).
  3. Your mayor describes the city as "munted"
  4. Weaving through car-sized potholes on the street is no longer weird
  5. Going to Wellington to escape earthquakes makes sense (Wellington is on a massive fault line and is by far the most seismically active city in New Zealand)
  6. A shower is heaven
  7. You have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet
  8. You see tanks driving around town
  9. You are always noting what you are under or near (to make sure you aren't crushed in the event of large earthquake)
  10. Due to frequent aftershocks, you can sleep through a 4.5 magnitude earthquake (well- that one's true for some of us, but for others the aftershocks mean they aren't really sleeping at all!)

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