Wednesday, March 19, 2014


 View from the house
 Looking back towards the house from the other side of the lake
North Otago Golf Club (by Kakanui)

We moved in with our friend Chantal a few days ago in the town of Bannockburn. It's so much hotter here than it was in Kakanui- at least 5 C warmer, with no wind- and nice dry air. Our laundry actually dries in a few hours- instead of in 3 days! Chantal's house overlooks an arm of the Kawarau river, which is much like a lake, and it looks nice for swimming. Before we left Kakanui, Brad got a round of golf in at the bigger golf club there. It was pretty spectacular for $30!


  1. Wow!!! Lovely place!!! Good for Chantel!! I wish I was there.
    But I am off to Edmonton April 1.

    Enjoy your stay with Chantel. And tell her I send my love!

  2. Thanks- we are certainly enjoying it!
